
Monumental Constructions: Roads & Rails

6x52' HD
Île de la réunion : L'incroyable route qui défie l'océan

52' - French

L'A10 : La plus grande autoroute de France

52' - French

A7 : Les défis de l'autoroute Lyon/Marseille

52' - French

L'A75 : Sur la route du viaduc de Millau

52' - French

TGV Paris-Bordeaux : La ligne de tous les records

52' - French

TGV Paris-Marseille : La ligne de tous les défis

52' - French

Record-breaking high-speed train lines, extraordinary overwater highways, spectacular viaducts... In recent years we have seen the completion of some of the most complex road and rail projects that no one would have dared to imagine.

Discover the story of these unprecedented technical and architectural feats, with the help of architects, engineers and spectacular 3D reconstructions, as we delve into the secrets of these colossal worksites.

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